Europe - Tax

Munich-based law firm specializing in international tax law.


Experience at the service of your projects in Germany.

Our priority is service excellence and customer satisfaction. Achieve the best result with the peace of mind that tax obligations have been completed according to law.


Income tax– Einkommensteuer

In the German tax system, it is the taxpayer who must submit the draft tax return (Einkommensteuererklärung) to the tax authorities.

We are aware of the difficulties that this system represents for our clients, that is why we offer a personalized service during the whole process.

We not only prepare and file your tax return (Einkommensteuererklärung) but also take care of the response to the requests of the German tax authorities and, if necessary, the filling of appeals.

We take care of all the necessary formalities until the whole process is completed.

Tax advice for expatriates

German tax law is complex and it is essential to have the knowledge of the different national systems and international tax regulations.

In general, the tax domicile of the taxpayer determinates the tax residence and therefore, the applicable tax system and its consequences.

If you are coming to Germany and need information about the taxation of your German and foreign income, or if you want to know your obligations towards the German tax authorities, please contact us.

Self-employed and Startup

We help you get your business up and running so you can concentrate on your idea.

If you are considering registering as a freelancer, setting up a company or expanding your field of action in Germany, we can help you find the best solution for your needs.

Our team of professionals will guide you on the tax implications of putting your idea into practice so that you can make informed decisions and avoid problems later on.







Our Team

Ana Beltrán-Daudén

Lawyer member of the ICAV (Valencia Bar Association) and of the RAK of Munich (Rechtsanwaltskammer München).

Founder and owner of EUROPE_TAX

Mariana Aliaga

Tax consultant – Lawyer

Languages: Spanish, German, English

Stephanie Brandl

Steuerberaterin – Tax advisor

Languages: German, English

Andrea Mazón

Tax Assistant

Languages: Spanish, German, English


We speak your language

It is always nice when you get to speak your language, but in taxation it is necessary. In order to avoid any misundertanding, we offer you our services in your language.

Personal treatment

You can contact us by phone, mail or video conference. We listen to you and help you find the best strategy for your tax problems wherever you are.

Headquarters in Munich

We are available for face-to-face appointments at our Munich office. But we are available online from anywhere in the world.

We are hiring

Do you want to be part of our team?

Click on the information button to find out more.

We are looking forward to meet you!


Afimeco Asesores

Ilustre Colegio de Abogados de Valencia

Rechtsanwaltskammer München

TAX-IN tax and VAT return in the Netherlands

Have we awaken your interest?

You can contact the Europe-Tax team by e-mail:

Or call our customer service hotline: +49 (0) 89 21 63 73 98

Telephone opening hours:

Monday, Wednesday and Thursday: 09:30 – 15:00